Our Stories
A Higher Calling
February 28, 2020
I came to know the Lord Jesus at a young age. I thought I knew what it meant to love Him and be in a relationship with Him then. But if there was anything my twenty years of service in CMSP taught me, I learned that my relationship with my God is more than feeling blessed. More than the songs sang or the prayers uttered. Loving God means sharing my life with and for others. Loving God means taking up my cross, forgetting myself, and boldly sharing His love with others. Having a relationship with Him means answering His call for a great purpose.
It was twenty years ago when I felt God placed a burden in my heart to be part of the CMSP ministry. I felt a rush of emotions back then – of sadness, pity, hope, fear, compassion, and love. But as I look back, I can’t help but to thank and praise God for giving me this wonderful opportunity to serve Him through the CMSP children. It was and still is both humbling and overwhelming to be part of God’s work.
As a fresh graduate and newly licensed nurse, I had dreams of earning money and working abroad to support the education of my 9 younger siblings. But all this changed after I stayed in the children’s village. I followed what I believe as God’s call and He has sustained me since. God also confirmed this calling by providing for my family’s needs. In my missionary journey, this saying has always held true: “God’s work, done God’s way, never lacks God’s provisions.”
Seeing a child’s transformed life is the best feeling in the world for me. When the children feel they have achieved something, conquered a difficult challenge, the smile they have on their faces, the overflowing joy they express, melt every time I am with them.
My experience with CMSP opened my untrained eyes to the truth that this is God’s love – the grace to share in the lives of the children and be loved in return. In the process, I enjoy the gift of experiencing Him more, armed not so much by the little knowledge, and the barely skilled hands and eyes that I developed through my education, but by an obedient heart that is willing to follow God’s call. Today, I continue to treasure every moment of my work. May God continue to sustain me with passionate enthusiasm and commitment to make a difference in the lives of the children.
Rose M. Salvani, CMSP Village Center Head