Our Stories
Not By Sight
August 30, 2020
I am Donnel, 18 years old and an incoming 12 th grader.
I despised my family as a young boy. I never felt loved by them. My father was a drunkard and my mother was an angry woman – she abused me and spanked me endlessly. Some of my worst experiences were being shoved in a sack and being forced to sleep in a doghouse. Thus, I was had no
choice but to live in the streets. I begged for alms in order to eat.
It pains me to recall my yester-years but they also allow me to appreciate what I have today. I was wandering in the streets one afternoon when I was four when a lady approached me and brought me to CMSP. That day turned out to be the biggest turning point of my life.
CMSP taught me how to be polite, how to properly look out for myself, and be responsible. But I am most thankful for learning about my Lord Jesus here in the children’s village. Today, I hold my faith dear in my heart and it encourages me to press on with life.
As I enter the final year of high school, I wish to praise the Lord for His goodness. I am grateful to everyone who helped me along the way – the staff and management of CMSP, its sponsors, and partners. I wish to thank Para Sayo for not only providing for us but encouraging us to dream big dreams.
And it is even admirable that despite this pandemic, you continue to be inspiring. You help me believe that beyond the uncertainty brought by COVID-19, is a better tomorrow. I am reminded of my life verse – 2 Corinthians 5:7 reads, “For we live by faith, not by sight”. I know He holds my future. And thanks to Para Sayo’s selflessness, I know my God’s promises still hold true – with or without a pandemic.
From the bottom of heart, domo arigatou gozaimazu.
Donnel, 18
(This speech was prepared by Donnel on the occasion of Para Sa Iyo’s 20th anniversary. The original text was written in Filipino. It was later translated and edited by a CMSP staff to be shared to our Japanese friends)